Vault RIM Basics provides reports and dashboards you track and monitor your document metrics, content plan statuses, and regulatory commitments.
Viewing Reports
Vault RIM Basics provides the following reports to help you monitor your commitments:
- Commitment Status Report: Displays a list of Commitments and their associated Applications and correspondence documents.
- Commitments Due in Next 6 Months: Displays a list of Open and Ongoing Commitments that are due within the next six (6) Months grouped by Month.
- Open and Ongoing Commitments by Application: Displays a list of Open and Ongoing Commitments grouped by Application.
- Overdue Commitments: Displays a list of open Commitments with a due date in the past.
Complete the following steps to view a report:
- Navigate to Submission Mgmt > Dashboards and Reports > Reports and click the name of the report you want to access.
- If the report allows you to select filters, select the filters as needed and click Apply. Vault updates the report according to the filters you selected.
- Click Refresh at any time to refresh the report and ensure you have the most current information for your Commitments.
- Report values with additional information, such as an associated record, user, or document, are displayed as a link. Click the link to view the related information.
Viewing Dashboards
Vault RIM Basics provides the following dashboards to help you monitor your document metrics and track the status of your content plans:
- Content Plan Status Dashboard: This dashboard displays important status information for a content plan, including matched document status by module, overall content plan status by module, how many content plan items have multiple matched documents, and how many content plan items do not have any matched documents.
- Document Metrics Dashboard: This dashboard displays important metrics for your documents, including how many workflows are in progress, how many tasks are available, unassigned, and overdue, how many documents have been created in the last week, the average number of days from document creation to approval, and more.
Complete the following steps to view a dashboard:
- Navigate to Submission Mgmt > Reports and Dashboards > Dashboards and click the name of the dashboard you want to access.
- If the dashboard allows you to select filters, select the filters as needed and click Apply. Vault updates the dashboard according to the filters you selected.
- Click Refresh at any time to refresh the dashboard and ensure you have the most current information.
- Click any of the charts on the dashboard to get more information about the metric.
Submission Planning and Tracking Dashboard Charts
The following charts are displayed on the Submission Planning and Tracking Dashboard:
- Submission Calendar: Displays a bar chart with an overview of all upcoming Submissions. Shows all Submissions, their related Applications, and Regulatory Objectives with a Planned Submission date past the current date. Results are grouped by Month.
- Submissions by Type: Displays a stacked bar chart with a sub-bar for each Submission. Click a section of the bar to view more information about the Submission, its related Applications, and Regulatory Objectives. Results are grouped by Month and Submission Type.
- Submissions Next Month: Displays a count of Submissions planned for next month. Click the count to view additional information about the Submissions created between the first and last of the next calendar month.
- Workload Quarterly: Displays a bar chart with all Regulatory Objectives and their corresponding Submissions. Click a bar to view more information about the Submissions with planned approval/authorization within the next calendar quarter. Results are grouped by approval/authorization date, in ascending order.
- Regulatory Objective Status: Displays a bar chart with the status of all Regulatory Objectives. Click a bar to view more information about their corresponding Applications and Submissions. Results are grouped by applicable Product Family, then Lifecycle State.
- In Progress Submission Tracker: Displays a bar chart with a list of all Submissions currently in progress and their related Applications and Regulatory Objectives. Displays all Submissions that are in a Lifecycle State of In Progress. Results are grouped Application, then Submission Type.
- Archived Submissions Last 7 Days: Displays a pie chart with the number of Submissions that have been archived in the last seven (7) days. Click a piece of the chart to view additional information about the Submissions archived in the last seven (7) days. Results are grouped by Month of the Actual Submission Date, then by Submission Type.
- Submitted Submissions by Type: Displays a pie chart with each Submission Type where the Actual Submission Date is not blank. Results grouped by the Month of the Actual Submission Date, then Submission Type.
Content Plan Status Dashboard Charts
The following charts are displayed on the Content Plan Status Dashboard:
- Matched Document Status by Module: Displays a bar chart with a bar for each module and a section on each bar for each matched document status in the module. Click a section of a bar to view more information about the document status for all matched documents in the content plan.
- Overall Content Plan Status by Module: Displays a bar chart with a bar for each module and a section on each bar for each content plan item status. Click a section of a bar to view more information about the progress for each content plan item by module.
- Content Plan Items with Multiple Matched Documents: Displays a count of content plan items with more than one matched document. Click the count to view more information about content plan items with multiple matched documents.
- Content Plan Items Without Matched Documents: Displays a bar chart with a bar for each module for the number of content plan items without matched documents in the module. Click a bar to view more information about the content plan items that do not have any matched documents.
- Module 1-5 Status: Displays a pie chart for each module with a slice for each content plan item status within that module. Click a slice of a pie chart to view more information about the progress for each content plan item in the module.
Document Metrics Dashboard Charts
The following charts are displayed on the Document Metrics dashboard:
- Ongoing Workflows: Displays a bar chart with a bar for the number of documents active in each workflow. Click a bar to view additional information about the documents in an active workflow.
- Available/Not Assigned Tasks: Displays the number of available tasks that have not yet been assigned. Click the count to view additional information about the available unassigned tasks.
- Overdue Tasks: Displays the number of overdue tasks. Click the count to view additional information about the overdue tasks.
- Documents Created Last 7 Days: Displays the number of documents that have been created in the last seven (7) days. Click the count to view additional information about the documents created in the last seven (7) days.
- Create to Approve: Displays a gauge with the average time from document creation to document approval. Click the gauge to view additional information about the documents and their number of days from creation to approval.
- Days in Approval: Displays a gauge with the average time it takes for documents to be approved once they have been assigned for approval. Click the gauge to view additional information about the documents and their number of days from approval assignment to approval.
- Average Number of Approval Cycles: Displays a gauge with the average number of times a document is assigned for approval before it is approved. Click the gauge to view additional information about the documents and the number of times they have been assigned for approval before they are approved.
- Overdue Approvals: Displays the number of document approval tasks that are overdue. Click the count to view additional information about the documents that are overdue for approval.
- Unclassified Documents: Displays the number of unclassified documents. Click the count to view additional information about the documents that have not been classified.
- Overdue Reviews: Displays the number of document review tasks that are overdue. Click the count to view additional information about the documents that are overdue for review.